What is Chemical Handling Training?
Chemical Handling Training is provided to employees who work with chemicals at their workplace either supplying, storing or disposing of them. Safe chemical handling is important to prevent harm to people, property, and the environment.
Each chemical used at the workplace should have a specific procedure for safe handling which employees are familiar with. Therefore, employees working with, supplying, or storing hazardous materials should attend Safe Chemical Handling Training.

Safe Chemical Handling Training
The training for safe chemical handling should include information on the;
Hazards of the chemicals in their work area
The measures to be used to protect themselves
The proper way to store and dispose of chemicals
The correct way of chemical handling and labelling
How to respond to chemical spills
Selection of the correct PPE to use (gloves, footwear, facemasks, or goggles)
Safe Chemical Handling Training is very crucial in a workplace to prevent accidents and ensure a safe working environment as it gives awareness and knowledge to employees on how to handle chemicals safely.
Important Elements While Handling Chemicals
Here are some important elements employees need to know related to chemical handling which are also commonly highlighted in the Safe Chemical Handling Training;
Chemicals should be stored in covered areas to prevent exposure to the elements and reduce the risk of spills.
Use spill kits, bunds, and spill pallets to help contain spills and prevent them from spreading.
Store containers on secure shelving to prevent them from falling and causing a spill.
Prevent overcrowding in chemical storage units to prevent accidental knocks out and cause spills.
Ensure chemicals are stored at or below eye level to reduce the risk of spills caused by dropping containers due to limited access to sight.
Regularly inspect chemical containers on site for leaks or deterioration to help identify potential problems before using chemicals.
Train workers in chemical spill prevention to help workers prevent any possible conditions that can lead to chemical spills including Chemical Handling Training.
Properly label all hazardous chemicals to help prevent accidental exposure and spills.
Verify that all necessary safety equipment and spill cleanup materials are available and in good working order to help workers prepare for any chemical spillage incident

Our services for Chemical Handling Training?
It is important to learn how to work safely with chemicals in order to prevent the risk of an accident from occurring including accidental exposure of the chemicals to the workers. Therefore, Safe Chemical Handling Training is important to be conducted to ensure the workers are well aware of their surroundings and can handle the chemicals appropriately in their work area.
Thus, in order to achieve this, we are always ready to provide our best services related to Safe Chemical Handling Training for you. Contact us at 013 - 241 9000 or email [email protected] now for further clarification.