Ergonomic training and ergonomic risk assessment (ERA) at the workplace.
Ergonomic training is training provided to employees to give a better understanding of ergonomics and all the elements related to it.
Ergonomic risk assessment (ERA) helps employers to identify ergonomic risk factors associated with their operations and the actions needed to be taken to control the risk.
Our Ergonomic Trained Persons (ETP) are always ready to help you in conducting Ergonomics Risk Assessment (ERA) in order to help with ergonomics issues among workers.
What are the ergonomic risk factors?
If there are the possibility of your workers having ergonomics problem due to ergonomic risk factors as listed below, it is important to conduct ergonomic training and ergonomic risk assessment (ERA) at your workplace.
1. Awkward posture
Performing work activities with a position of the body that differs from the neutral position such as twisting, bending, over-reaching, working with hands above the head or elbows above the shoulders and others.
2. Static and sustained posture
Working over a prolonged period with the body held on to a particular position with minimal, restricted or no movement such as prolonged standing or sitting.
3. Forceful exertions
The use of high-level force while moving or sustaining any weight such as lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, carrying, and moving it with the use of one's hands or by exerting physical force.
4. Repetitive motions
Working over a prolonged period that involves frequently repeated movements of joints and muscles.
5. Vibration
Performing work activities that are exposed to kinetic energy from vibrating tools or surfaces including whole-body vibration (WBV) and hand-arm vibration (HAV).
6. Contact stress
Refers to either external contact stress, which occurs when a part of the body scrapes against a workplace component, or internal contact stress, which is a condition where a tendon, nerve, or blood artery is stretched or twisted around a bone or tendon.
7. Environmental risk factors
Working in a stressful factor in environment setting has an impact on people's comfort, activity, and health.
Your employees may have musculoskeletal problems or injuries if these ergonomic risk factors are not identified and controlled.
Therefore, we are always ready to provide our best services related to ergonomic training and ergonomic risk assessment (ERA) for you. Contact us at 013-2419000 or email [email protected] now for further clarification.